Monday, March 4, 2013

Weekend Trip

I am so sad the weekend is over.  Daniel's brutal work schedule is now over, well it just won't be sleepless nights anymore. But his boss was oh so kind and gave him Thurs-Sunday off. Which before he was working 7 days a week. blah. So as you can imagine we had a very lovely weekend spent together.  We took advantage of his time off and journeyed over to San Antonio.  
We had fun visiting the Alamo, River walk, The Missions. We did try to go to Sea World but it was closed. Bummer. 
After this trip we never want to eat Little Caesars Pizza again, Grateful for a clean city and for parents who taught us to be clean. Learned how much Calvin loves Dogs, he calls everything doggy, We want to go to Vienna. You get what you pay for (hotel) and what they have pictured on the website is immaculate compared to the real thing. 
We love being together .. wait we already knew that. 

Being with my family brings me Happiness.
I love my little Family. Glad we were able to get away and have some alone time together with just us 3. Cherish every minute you have together and remember to always find joy in the small things. 


  1. Looks so warm, and fun, supercal is cute kid, his hair is turning blpnd probably from all that sun, glad Daniel was able to get a break poor guy, i never will complain about work again

  2. I'm so glad that you got to have a little fun weekend break. You guys definitely deserved that one. It was fun to look at all the pictures and think, oh hey I've been there! Did I mention that Calvin rocks the rust colored pants? Because he does. What a doll.

  3. What AMAZING pictures those were. You are such a good photographer. It brought back a lot of memories when I was there with you, Kels and the Macs. Cute Calvin! Ahh he's adorable. So glad you had a fun time and that you had a nice break. You SO DESERVED IT- the both of you.
