Friday, September 23, 2011

First Baby Shower

So in High School I never had one best friend. I had 7!!! We did everything together mostly laughing and going on adventures. I am so grateful to each one of them because they all helped me in some way another throughout my high school days and they continue to do so through their love. I am so lucky to have had friends that all had such good standards and tried to do what's right amongst all the pressures! Thanks for your sweet examples and most importantly being my best friend for so long.

A couple weeks ago they threw me a baby shower. Since we all have such busy and different lives it gets hard to get together. No matter what though, whenever we get together it's like nothing has changed. When we're together it's like we were when we were back in high school. That's what true best friends is. I love getting together with them and seeing how each of our lives has unfolded and continues to unfold. 

It was so fun to see everyone again. I got some adorable gifts, little jr. is sure going to be stylin'. Sure appreciate all that they do and their friendship.

Not all the 7 was able to come and I missed them all.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Park City

Daniel and I have a lovely garden and here are some of the delicious fruits we benefit from. We bought cucumber plants and the yellowish ones were are first batch and as you can tell their a wee bit of odd color and Honkers.. but still tasty. The green one was our next try and as you can tell it looks more like a cucumber. We are also growing zucchini, squash, green peppers, and annehime peppers.

We get so many so we took them up to THE FAMILY REUNION in PARK CITY!!!
Park City was a blast and Daniel and I had so much fun and it was so fun to be with everyone (we missed you kentuckians) Thanks so much MOM & Dad for putting on such a fun reunion for us all and for all that you did. I keep reflecting back on how much I miss being with everyone and wish we could still be up there vacationing it up. Thanks to everyone for all the delicious meals, entertainment, and laughter.

They were so cute together.. I'm going to miss watching them play together.

Love this picture of mom and Jadeyn, Jadeyn sure adores her Grandma and I can see why!

Oope who are those little peepin toms in the back..

Dan and I adventuring off to find a short cut back to our place. It sure was beautiful up there. I love hiking.

 NOW for the AMAZING  BOAT JUNKIES who boat with Style and are sure GOOD LOOKING. The Hansen Clan sure know how to wake surf, tube, wake board, and ski!!

Kelsi getting up on the wake board.. ya ya

THe pregno's and jadeyn looking fly on the tube...

Parker about to fall off from a wicked sharp turn.. He surely was a champ on the tube! Lexi couldn't ever be knocked off

Looks like they are having so much fun

Mr. Pro. He could do anything and man was he good

 Rocking the wake board in his Sexy Wet Suit even though he hates wake boarding because of the feeling of being trapped.

Still rocking it up until......
SPLASH!!!! You win the contest of the biggest splash

I love this picture because of the profile picture of Mckay pondering with the shadow of dad in the background.

Park City we will Miss You!