Update on Little J

Still isn't walking. but has taken a few steps and will stand on his own... will do it on own terms.
His favorite thing to do is read. He'll grab a book and come sit on mommies lap and will cry if I don't do it.

His first sign was more then it was food. His first word was bye and hi then dada then mama. He learned to say see and this and touch in Utah thanks to grandpa stephens.

Calvin started walking at 13 months. I told Daniel all I want for Christmas is for Calvin to start walking before we go to Utah.  I kept practicing with him and practice with him then one day a genius idea came to me for him to use his toy walker vacuum thing to give him support while he walked and it worked. He still stumbled but he finally realized how fun it was and kept trying to do it.  It was such an exiting moment taking about 8-10 steps and before we left he was slightly cruising around the place.

He now says ook, there it is, good job, wawa, eat, food, kiss, keys! Keys is his very very favorite word. He loves the car and will go sit inside and pretend to drive. He could be in there for hours.

He sits and plays the piano with me and is actually getting great form.  He blows kisses and says love you
He is a little runt-short or his age. He still can fit into his 3-6 months jeans. But has a grandpa belly. He most definitely got his daddy's genes. 


  1. Hi, my name is Ken, I am a single(divorced), full time(as in 24/7 of every second of every day) stay at home dad(the conscientious, prayerful and fasting decision I made) of the most incredible special needs little girl, Savannah, diagnosed with 6 developmental syndromes. I have been "raising" not caring for, not babysitting, not watching, but, "raising" Savannah, by myself, since the day, she turned 9 months old.........this, is whom I am..........not, what I do.

    I read your reply, on the "Happy Hansens" blog, specifically, your reply, to the Miracles happen, Lexi's story.

    Now, my agenda, for contacting you, on your blog and not, on/in your reply on Lexi's story....... is extremely sincere, not to criticize, or demean or be negative.................I am asking you, to consider the following.

    First know/understand this about me. You see, Miss Cassidy...........I am originally from the south, so all Females/Women are addressed as Miss, it is a sign of respect. And interestingly enough, I have discovered, that, of all the women/females, I have encountered in America, the women/females out west, find/feel this is offensive, especially Mormon women..............which is why, I have taken the time, to explain myself to you, as to not, offend you in any fashion.

    So back to my agenda, for contacting you here.

    After completing/entering, your extremely sincere entry, you signed off, by saying/typing, Love You....only, Love you, not "I Love You", but, just "Love you"......I was struck by that and the fact, you, neglected to include, (the most important personal pronoun in our language, ever.......I, motivated me to write and share the following.

    Miss Cassidy, I am extremely sensitive to the language of others, because, it is their tell..............are you familiar with that term, a persons tell, meaning, what their really feeling/thinking/ even though, 97% of all we, as humans communicate, is non verbal...(through our body language) we, verbally, each day, use hundreds of thousands and even millions of words, depending on our circumstance or development in life and half of what we say, is not, what we are communicating.

    I love words, they are extremely powerful and meaningful. For example, understanding, not knowing, but understanding, the meanings, the definitions and usefulness of the different contexts, assigned to the plethora of words available to us.

    Miss Cassidy, here is a quick sidebar.........calling your attention, to a story, I honestly believe, you are familiar with........the experience between The Great Jehovah and the brother of Jared, the day,The Great Jehovah, "sought out" the brother of Jared, and "chastised" him, for 3 hours, following, the 4 years of, "literally not calling upon, the name of the Lord. (another quick side bar)The number of words in the English language is: 1,025,109.8. This is the estimate by the Global Language Monitor on January 1, 2014. in our present known established English language. I personally, would love to know, exactly how many words, The Great Jehovah consciously chose to use, in addressing the brother of Jared and exactly what words, The Great Jehovah, used. Those 3 hours, next to the 72 hours of absolute darkness, experienced by those, gathered in uncertainty, fear, being completely traumatized, by the earths reaction, to the crucifixion, of our Savior, had to have been the longest 3 hours ever experienced by man.

    Can you, imagine, what the reaction of Moses or the children of Israel, would have been, when, Moses, asked, in Exodus 3; And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?....................And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.

  2. Part two

    There are several sources, that state, that, the word "I" is used in excess of 44,000 times within the Bible. Can you imagine, what our language would be, if the word "I" did not exist..............try this exerciser, read Exodus 3, with out, using the word "I".
    Miss Cassidy, as I have perused through your blog entries, you, no doubt, in a somewhat, casual manner, use the impact-full, extremely personal pronoun I, several times, try writing and excluding that impact-full word.

    My perception, is you, as well as, so many other, young LDS women/mothers, choosing to blog, have allowed yourselves, to be swept up/caught up, in the extremely lazy/casual culture, that, the has influenced so many, in the pathetic, pitiful, woefully inadequate attempt, to communicate, the most impact-full three words, a human being can hear in their life time................."I Love You"....................think not, bring up the last BYU devotion, Elder Marvin J Ashton delivered, where at the end, Elder Ashton breaks down and weeps, as he, shares, that, his Father, in his entire life, never uttered the words, "I Love You".

    Not for one second, do I feel the process of crossing the veil, leaving our heavenly parents, was a half assed, "Love you" accompanied by a high five, or a pat on the butt, saying, be good.

    Miss Cassidy, my perception, my vision, the image I choose to cling to and hold dear to my heart and in my mind, as to the last seconds I spent with Father and Mother, just before, I crossed the veil and was born to my earthly mother, is this....................I sincerely believe, They held me tight to their hearts, pressing into me, into my very spirit, their love and support, then each took my face in their hands, holding me, just inches from their face, so that, there would be no misunderstanding, as to the last words, I would hear from them, before I crossed the veil, as they each held my face and gently but adamantly stated, "I Love You Son"............ "I am, here for you".

    Parenthetically, that is the same way I communicate, to my angel, my celestial being, my incredible special needs little girl Savannah, as well as, all those with in my circle of intimacy.
    Miss Cassidy, you have an incredible, opportunity, that, lies before you................raising up a righteous generation of modern day stripling warriors, both young men and young women, ensuring they are not emotionally shallow.

    One of the most valuable lessons, above the price of rubies, is to teach your sons, the following, as they grow in manhood, following the sterling example of their dad. In approaching the process of choosing their eternal companion/partner, "pay extremely close attention, as to the level of light, with in the eyes, of his, prospective mother in law's eyes..............the light within a woman's eyes, tells her, entire history, as to whether, she is loved and most importantly adored, or if, she is abused, neglected and left to wither on the vine.....................Examine, not look............. examine, the family photographs of the mother, as her family, mainly her husband, surrounds her, to see, if there is a look of pain, dread, wanting to be somewhere else, in her eyes, lack of facial expression, think not, bring up every woman that has been murdered by her husband and you will see no light or fear.....case in point, that sick, twisted medical Dr, the Mormon, that was just tried and found guilty, of murdering his incredible wife, to be with the Mormon nanny, about 6 months ago..............that look, no light, is the tell of every woman abused/in trouble on every level, on the planet.............. teach your sons, he must excuse himself and continue the search.

  3. Why is it, that 50% of all marriages, whether the couple be steeped in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, endowed with power and authority from on high, or an atheist home..............fail, as well as, succeed...............what is the difference....................compatibility............on all levels, which includes, especially includes, coming from a divorced home, financial background, level of spirituality, level of education. Countless times, the leadership of this church, over the pulpit, have stated over and over and over, to the youth of this church, "seek the level of your likeness", seek the friends of your same standards..............No they don't scream it, no they are not extremely adamant or offering extreme details.............perhaps if they did, the church would not be suffering from the same 50% plague.

    President Packer, on four different occasions, has stated, emphatically, adamantly, the following over the pulpit................ "The greatest adversity, that, the youth of this church, will face, will come, from within the church"

    Miss Cassidy, I sincerely hope you, have felt my sincere intent and sincere willingness in sharing this with you.

    I do hope this finds you and yours, happy, healthy and thriving.

    For the record, the level of light, within your eyes, as you are with your lovely family, is bright and shinning...............God bless you all.

