Thursday, March 21, 2013

Houston Rodeo

Last weekend we went to the Houston Rodeo. If you have not heard about the rodeo here... well let me tell you it is the darnest biggest RODEO I have ever been too. It goes on forever, we literally could have spent all day long there and not seen everything. Every Texan/Houstonite talks about the Rodeo and how amazing it is.. We decided while we are here in Houston we want to really engage ourselves in the culture here and experience all that Houston has to offer. 
I got my cowgirl gear on.. My white cowboy boots---i think I was the only girl with white boots... I think they were meant to be for fashionable reasons not actual get up on some stallion kinda boots.
It was crazy packed... and we headed straight to the animals, petting farm. There were llamas, goats, piglets, kangaroos, fawns, and a donkey. Animals are so cute when they are little. 
Calvin had no problem saying hi to them all and going up to touch them. he even got head butted in the stomach by a baby goat.. didn't even phase him. He's a tough little guy. Loves his animals.  Next we went and saw the cows, man were these beasts huge. It's another world in the farming business. Saw some pretty massive cows worth a lot of mula. 
The rodeo was awesome. Tim McGraw was even more Awesomer. He sure makes my heart sing. We had nose bleed seats but it was still amazing. 

Really do you have to put your mouth on the same place I'm sure all these animals have put their mouth.

My little cowboy... so handsome

friendly we don't have food

where did you come from whitey

whitey distracts while blacky goes in for the Head Butt



  1. Well goodness you guys just stole all the beauty in the world. That looks like a blast! Loved the picture of Calvin sticking his mouth on the fence. Hilarious! And the sequence of goat pictures also had me laughing. I love Calvin's facial expressions!

  2. Love those cute family photos at the end! It looked like so much fun! And you sure are styling Cas. Love the outfit. Can't believe there was no one in white boots. Oh ....and seriously sickening Calvin- aggghh. Oh to be a kid again with no worries of germs.

  3. Yipes! How did I totally miss this post?! Go fun to o to a rodeo!! And seriously you guys are so cute. Such a gorgeous fam. And the boots are kickin cass :)
