Thursday, April 26, 2012

This past weekend was very eventful and fun. We got to celebrate with Brandon and his lovely family for his Graduation.  During church this past Sunday and even throughout the week I kept getting thoughts of I need to serve more, but how and whom could I serve? As I reflected on this throughout the week I knew that when we serve more our thoughts are more centered on others and not on ourselves, thus we become less selfish with our time and selves.  I knew I needed to serve more because of this reason.  In my prayers I would ask My Father in Heaven to grant me opportunities to serve those in need and recognize those opportunities.  Thus the opportunity came.  I was sitting in the chapel after Relief Society being one of the last women out, when a sister in the ward came over and asked a few of us that were left if any one could possibly give an elderly sister in the ward a ride to her Dr. Appointment. At first I hesitated, but as a few moments passed by I recognized this as an opportunity for me to help serve someone in need.  I called her later that week to confirm her appointment and she was the sweetest thing... Nancy is her name.  She couldn't remember what time her appointment was and so she said she would call me back and let me know if she still needed to go or not, and concluded with But if there is no appointment we could go to lunch or something.  This made me smile and think.... She must be dying to have visitors.  The appointment came and on Friday we took off to her appointment.  She talked and talked the moment I picked her up that she forgot to tell me which way to go.  Instead of being a 2 minute ride it ended up being a 15 minute ride, but I am ever so grateful because I learned a lot from that sweet dear lady.  She told me she was going to pay me money for gas which was so thoughtful of her to offer, but I told her that I was the one serving her and that she did not need to pay me, but she insisted and told me that how grateful she was to me for volunteering to take her.  Nancy went on to say how not very many people are willing to give up there time especially with a happy heart and told me I was an angel.  Not in the least bit, I am just trying to help out.  With how much she expressed her gratitude for such a small thing made me realize how important it is for us to take the time to help someone in need no matter the situation and as sweet Nancy said "the angels in heaven will be smiling down upon you for your service."   
I hope as you get those promptings to help someone in need, whether it be visiting a friend, lending a hand to help someone bring in groceries, start up a conversation, etc. that you will heed those promptings and I know you're lives will be touched by those you serve and you Will receive more promptings and service will become apart of your life.  As we serve remember to love and not to worry about the other things you have going on that day but to enjoy the experience you are receiving.  

For the rest of the weekend my dearest friend and past roommate, Karina, came down from Idaho to visit.  It was so good to see and be with her as is has been a very long time since we last saw each other.  We stayed up at Daniel's parents and played at the park, caught up on life,  and went to Thanksgiving point.  Her darling boy Parker is full of energy and life.  Karina has always been such a good friend of mine and no matter how long we are apart from one another, when we get back together it's like we have never been away.  She is a great mother and a friend I know I will have forever.  

 The first time Calvin swinging.  Nice and chill... the wind blowing through his hair... nothing gets better than this. 

 Parker has such a fun personality... It was fun to play with him and see him tease his mom. 

 The beautiful tulips at Thanksgiving Point. It was so nice to get outside and to think Tulips staying beautiful without a snowstorm destroying them...ahh amazing. 

 As we played all day in the sun, my first time this year I  got a little red in the face but I don't regret my decision at all. 

 Ready .... Set... GO

While we played daniel worked and chopped down trees.  Dad recruited him to work over at the Marquis Offices.  

On Monday Daniel, Calvin and I had a one full adventure... just the three of us.  This doesn't happen very often so I soaked up every minute of spending my whole day with my two favorite boys. We went to Provo Canyon and went for a walk. went to Make-Out Point or also known as Squaw Peak, threw a frisbee in the parking lot. got Macey's king kong Ice cream (are favorite) movied it up, and used our gift card to Olive Garden Daniel won from March Madness (which we found out we won't be going to a restaurant with 3 for awhile) haha
Now it's back to the grind. Only one more Semester left till Daniel is finished with SCHOOL.. Hallelujah!!!


  1. Love that story of service. Its so true, and I need to be more mindful of those things as well. THanks for the awesome reminder. And I'm bummed I never got to see Karina - she is such a cute girl and so much fun. Love the last pic so cute of you two!!!

  2. You definitely are beautiful inside and out!!! I love those days that I can be with my family all day and having fun. They are the BEST!!!
    Good luck with the final semester. Yay... it's almost done!!

  3. What a good reminder that is and a great example you are as well. Thank you for sharing that. And you and Karina have the same nose. :)It looked like Calvin loved his time on the swing. Can't wait to meet him in person!

  4. Great story of service, thanks for the reminder cuz there's so much to do. Nice to see that you got to play with Karina she was always one of my favorites of your roommates. And you look a lot like mom in that last picture, weird.

  5. Cassidy that story of service actually made me teary. It was very moving. Thanks for being such a good person and for the reminder to the family to want, to pray and then to act on serving more.
    Love all the pictures. You are a good photographer.
    I also thought you looked like me in that picture I was like is it just me or does that picture look more like me than Cas.

  6. What a great story. It's always so fun to find those people who just want someone to talk to so much. You really are one great person. And I loved all the pictures. I'm glad you were able to have so much fun.
