Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The new Look

 Hair is one of those features that just makes a big difference on how you look... I have always dreamed  of having long gorgeous locks, but unfortunately I was not blessed with that feature and when I try growing it out, instead of having gorgeous healthy looking hair I dream of, it looks damaged and stringy. 
With the combination of stringyness and the root color growing back in, I couldn't help but sigh/whine a bit every time I looked in the mirror. 

So. . . I finally took a leap and got a hair cut and darkened my hair a bit. 
When Daniel came home that night he ran up to me, kissed me and said, "Wow! You Look GOOD, I absolutely love your hair!  He raved and raved about it throughout the week and told me he hopes I always keep my hair this length.
He even told me I looked more mature and older. . . (you mean I don't look like I'm in High School anymore ha)
It sure made me feel like a million bucks and of course helped me like it more myself.
Still was hard to get used to for the first couple of days, but I'm liking the fact Little mister Calvin can't grab it anymore.

Calvin is growing up so fast, he can lift his head up by himself while lying on my legs, he talks up a storm before bedtime just like he did in the womb except he moved instead of talked. He is grabbing things a lot more and can almost roll over. 

Here is a video of him talking


  1. I love your new hairdo. But then again I always thought you had pretty hair. I guess it's what you don't have. You can do things with it that I could never do. Your gorgeous!

    Can't believe how big Calv is getting. I love hearing him talk but he just can't keep those fingers out of his mouth can he? Cutie boy.

  2. Cute boy and cute mama! I love your hair and think it looks great on you! Calvin is a super strong little boy!

  3. You look so good! I am totally there with Daniel on that. I think Calvin is telling all of us that he thinks so too! :)

  4. Well I agree with Daniel your hair looks great! And it does make you look older too, almost like a college graduate ;) mr. calvin sure is cute. Love the talking.

  5. So are those before and after pics or just with different lighting so your hair looks different colors...?

    Looks great though. Calvin IS growing up!

  6. Aw you are always so gorgeous Cass no matter what! (: I love this! and calvin is always such a cutie pie! (:

  7. love the new look girl u look fab

  8. Funny that JD sad "Fab" and shortened "you" to "u"
