Monday, January 30, 2012

Christmas Gift from Dear Lexi

 We were so impressed with Lexi's gift and loved every part of it.  I don't know if she knew that both Daniel and I love quotes but it was a genius idea. We like to put quotes in a place where we can see it everyday. Lexi made us this fridge quote board and made all of these darling magnets. 
 She made us a hot plate that has China, Brazil and Ukraine on it.
 They are perfect since daniel just broke one of our hot pads.
This gift is absolutely astounding, I love it so much because she decorated each letter pertaining to either mine or daniel's hobbies. i love the word Gratitude because it will be a constant reminder for our family to express Gratitude to one other as well as remember how much the Lord blesses us every single day. It also reminds me of how each of us has many gifts and talents that we shouldn't take for granted.
She Even carved a few letters herself because there was none at the store.  Pretty darn talented miss Lexi is. I tried blowing up the picture so it would show how cute and amazing each letter is but it still doesn't come close to the real thing.
Thanks Lexi!!


  1. I didn't really see all those during Christmas time, so it was fun to see again! Great job Lexi, you are uber talented.

  2. Yea, they were pretty amazing. Especially the work she did on gratitude. I loved how she did each to do with your hobbies as well. So cool! Thanks for posting.
