Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Family Photos

This year for family pictures I thought it would be pretty neat to show apart of where we live and my friend told me of this location and I couldn't have been more happier with the results. One of these days will get Calvin to smile when we are smiling and his hair won't get all messed up. We have enjoyed being in Houston so far. Dan is now  working for a company called Hines and has been there for 4 months now.  It is a real estate investment company and he oversees Mexico and Brazil which he is beyond thrilled about because he gets to use his Portuguese.  Calvin and I are enjoying the cold weather but are glad it doesn't stay this cold throughout the entire winter.  Who would have thought that Utah isn't the only state that is bipolar... wait it really isn't, but Houston sure is. One day it will be 32 and the next it will 70 bizarre but I'm cool with it and these ice storms we are having have been crazy. My word I have never seen anything like tiny icicles frozen to my car... (sarcasm) school and even work is cancelled except of course Daniel's work. Darn.

 One of Calvin's loves


  1. Awesome pics, i love the idea of showing where you live, calvin is probably thinking of princesses when he's distracted

  2. Amen to JD's comment about the princesses. :) Gorgeous family ahh just love all the pictures. Love the one of Calvin kissing you. Hard to pick a favorite. hmm love the first two the one of Calvin is adorable and the family pic. Then I love the family laying on the blanket smiling and the one of Daniel and Calviin smiling! Just perfect!

  3. What cute photos!! Love the kissing one of you and Calvin! What a fun thing to have the city in the background! Beautiful family!
