Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Calvin's 2 Year Birthday

A few weeks before Calvins Birthday to up to now I have been going through all sorts of emotions.  At first I couldn't wait for Calvin's Birthday.  I have loved every minute with him but I espeically love this stage. But now when we are playing together I catch  myself staring at him, thinking is this adorable little boy really mine, where did my little baby go, and then tears start to swell up.. It's true what they say about how time goes faster the older you get. Calvin is now 2 and  within just a few days I have noticed how grown up he really has gotten. I am so lucky to be his Mom.  I have such deep gratitude to Heavenly Father for giving me one His precisous sons and I can't express enough how happy he makes me. I wouldn't trade being his mom for a thing in the world.
We are best buds. We do everything together and I wouldn't change that for anything.  His daddy also adores him and the little mister adores him right back!  Even though he likes to tease his dad before he goes to work he talks about him frequently during the day and cries after he leaves. So we sure love it when Dad comes home from work because well just like the song says it's always fun when daddy comes home. And 3 is much better than 2.
Once he turned two, he has become much more imaginative and curious. 
For his Birthday I asked him what he wanted to do and he said train ride so I looked one up and found one near by. He loved it so much. Then later we played outside. Made his favorite : Pizza and Cookies. 
Later that week we had a little party for him with his friends. Everyone dressed up in their costumes. He loved opening presents and keeps asking me to open more to this day. 
I made just a few of his favorite treats and snacks
I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. I love this quote even more now that I have my Calvin. 
My little Calvister.

His favorite color is orange. He always asks for his orange plate, cup, bowl and spoon (even though he doesn't have an orange spoon). he loves pumptins and likes to collect orange leaves. 
If you haven't heard but calvin is pretty obsessed with Trains.  He plays with them all day and takes them to bed with him and his bedtime song is about trains that his dad made up  and it's pretty great. He was a Train Conductor for Halloween. Scored his costume at Kid to Kid in the clothing section.
Calvin loves to eat Car Tortillas or Pumpkin Tortillas outside in his little red wagon
He loves to read with Mom.
He loves kissing tortures from dad
His favorite prophet is Enos. Every time we say we are going to read the scriptures he wants to read about Enos.  Now he likes to dress up like a nephite.
He is getting really good at dancing and dances on the couch or the bed. When mom and dad dance he wants to join in and spin mommy. 
He plays make believe with sharks and whales.
He will only take a bath if its cold. Before he would fight and fight me until one day he kept saying cold mom cold so I thought it was too cold so i turned to warm and he was like no cold. once I turned it to cold he didn't want to get out.
HE's OBSESSED with Snacks!!! 
He likes to give kisses and hugs.
He prays for grandma and grandpas and cousins everyday and whoever he played with that day.
He likes to paint. :)
He is quite good at the Harmonica
Ring around the Rosies is his favorite nursery rhyme. 
Hide n Seek is a favorite game
He is a very good helper, his favorite cleaning task is sweeping. Today he asked to clean and he started washing the bathroom cupboard. Silly boy.
Whenever he spills he gets a towel and mops it up. And he is pretty good at picking up his toys.
He is now attached to his stuffed bear named Cougar and his 2 blankys.
He loves brushing his teeth and putting on moms makeup. 
He talks really well. Saying little sentences now. he is a very good mimicker.
Cute things he says:
Oh my goodness
Ok. Great.
Miss you. love you. hugs. kisses. Bye.
Ew yucky.
Hide Hide
During Halloween he would carry around my pumpkin jar and hand sanitizer that has a pumpkin on it and say pumpkin patch pumpkin patch. 
And has the BEST memory. 
I love my little adventurous boy so very much. I can't wait for the endless adventures and memories we will have together. 


 His Best Buddy William

Always has his snacks... 
Pumpkin Chocolate chip Bread

delicious carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

All of his buddies. They are all about the same age. It makes it so fun to live here

Two of his best Friends Sydney and Lo Lo. 


  1. Second time on the post! What a great history of Calvin! He is growing up so fast! Loved the pictures and your narrative, what a good mom you are. Miss you guys!

  2. What a wonderful post! I got to know even more about Calvin then I thought I did. He will love reading this when he gets older. What a awesome tribute to a perfect little boy. What adorable pictures as well.Cutest train conductor ever.Love him in the basket. You sure know how to throw a party even for a 2 year old. I remember when Parks was obsessed with the color orange and that's super cute he cleans up after himself. I could go on.... love you Calvin

  3. Well now this is just adorable! I loved every single picture on here. What a good idea to write down all the things that he loves right now, so that you can remember it later. Miss that little boy.

  4. I loved the post about what he loves to do super great! Such a cute kid and I can't wait to see you all!

  5. Orange orange orange! There is a book called Orangie the Goldfish... makes me think of Calvin :)
