Monday, August 5, 2013

Vacation Part 2: NEW YORK Bound

This vacation was SUPER. After our short but amazing time with family in Utah we journeyed to the East coast. NYC!  We went with Daniel's entire Family. ALL 31 of us.  It was fabulous from start to finish.  It's amazing to me how many people are in that city.  Our mode of transportation in the city was the Subway. The blank stares and looks we got as all 31 one of us walked the streets of New York was priceless.  It's as if they had never seen a family before....
I loved the city life but I could never live there...  I guess I could for a couple years but only now or when my children were all grown up. 
While we were there we saw --
Cinderella!! AMAZING. I am so happy I watched the movie Cinderella with Brandy and Whitney Houston so I could sing right along.
Enjoyed and relaxed at a Mets Game on the Fourth of July. We were true patriotics that day. 
Dan and I snuck up on our hotel's roof to watch the amazing Fireworks.  
Toured the 9/11 Memorial. The new Tower is 1776 ft tall and is called the Freedom Tower. Pretty cool.
Times Square was as happening as ever with it's random street characters.  It poured quite a bit while we were there and got stuck in stores for quite some time. but at least it was the Lego store.
Next destination was the susquehanna river where the priesthood was restored and the gravesites.  Becuase of the heavy rainstorms the path to the river was pretty muddy so we had 3 or 4 kids covered in mud.  hehe. 
It rained so hard that we to stop because we couldn't see anything, literally I couldnt see within a few inches of us
Next we stopped in Palmyra.  I love this town. I could live there. I want to live there.  It is so peaceful and absolutely Breathtaking beautiful.  Upstate New York is absolutely gorgeous.  I love the farm towns and how extremely green it is.
the toads and the funny tooting noise they made. Baptisms in the temple was special experience.  
We saw Niagra Falls. Calvin kept asking to touch the water. 
Thank goodness for cousins who adored and adored Calvin who helped make car rides  much more bearable because of their entertaining him each time he started to cry. 
Kirtland was our last stop and it was my favorite part of the whole trip. It brougt back memories when I was in High School when we went with my Family. I still remember the special spirtitual experiences I felt and received in those most sacred places.  I again felt those same feelings but this time I paid even extra more attention to what the missionaries and our tour guide Karl Anderson said. I had a really neat opportunity and very spiritual expereince in the Kirtland Temple. I was having a hard time because Calvin was at his wits end. He had not slept all day and was in exhaustion mode and would not sit quietly. So i had to take him out quite a bit during our tours ( i also had help from others who I am so grateful and appreciative of their kindness). So many times I just wanted to bawl. While we were in the temple, since Karl gave us the tour he talked in depth about what happened here and the spirit was so Strong because he had the Spirit and was reading from teh scriptures and talked about the Savior as before the community of christ only gave a quick history.  I didn't get to hear much of what was being said and  I couldn't help but cry because calvin being hard and I so badly wanted to hear what was being said. It was then When we were closing up when I was asked if I would lead the music. He told me to stand next to the pulpit and lead the music as we Sang the Spirit of God as a family. I will never forget the feeling I felt! My heart was filled with gratitude to my Savior and Lord. Such a tender mercy for me.  
The trip was great. It was very much needed in so many different ways.  My testimony of the prophet and the gospel increased, my love for my family grew so much more and my love for others and the desire to bring others to Christ were leaps and bounds.

Here is our picture overload. 

 I asked him to go stand next to the temple. He obeyed and gave me the Greatest CHEESE. yes that's a cheesy face not I'm ready to cry face.

 I love how simple their homes are. I love everything about them.  Down to the silver ware. I want it all in my house. 

 Wow I am I lucky or What? Look at these good looking Boys.

 Chips.... pure joy

 Michael LOVED -- I mean LOVED Calvin. He took such good care of him and did everything with him. 

The  video was at the baseball game Calvin thinks he's pretty funny... well which he is.


  1. Loved to read all about your fun trip, and wish I could've been able to go. You guys sure were lucky that you got Karl Anderson to give you a tour. You look gorgeous in all the pictures, and I just love all of the pictures with Calvin. Is it possible to have a cuter kid? I submit it is not.

  2. Oh I shed a couple of tears when I saw my dear kirtland Im so jealous! Also calvin is such a cute kid loved the pics and his cheese face so fun

  3. Wow that was a lot of pics. I'm so glad you posted so many.So many cute pictures of Calvin. I love your somewhat twin shirts on the bus. Great shot of those scriptures. It made me miss those places so much. I love church history. Funny little Calvin. Loved that video. What a silly boy. That would be hard to have a little tired awnry boy when you want to listen.I'm glad you had such a wonderful time.

  4. New York is just an amazing holiday destination to be considered if one is planning extended stay NYC to this great city with all this services at your door step.

  5. Such a awesome and lovely opportunity to spend time with your family and kids in a city like that New York. Also the city has to offer budget hotels in New York city.

  6. Well I've been studying in NY since the past three years and living in Studio apartment in Manhattan's Upper West Side its an amazing place with vibrant neighborhoods.
