Monday, August 29, 2011

The Nauvoo Trip was a great success and a lot of fun. It was my first family vacation with the Stephens and it was so fun getting to know them more and being apart of this great experience with them. I am so grateful for the sacrifice of the pioneers and the examples they are in my life. I loved learning more about the history of the Saints and the church. 
  Here we are at Farr West, such a beautiful, peaceful place
 Playing some pioneer games, Spencer won one round and then Daniel won the other two!

 We look like tropical skittles so I had to get a picture of us. we just finished watching Sunset on the Mississippi

 Up inside the Red Brick Store where the Relief Society was first established. The girls had our own mini relief society meeting here. It was a beautiful experience as Carole shared her testimony of the divine work of Women and the history of those sisters who gave up so much for the Lord. It truly was a testimony strengthener to me as well as I listened to her speak and the Spirit that was there filled my entire soul.

 I'm so happy and so grateful that I am married to this Good looking Man for Time and all Eternity!!

 Inside the Caves of Tom Sawyer in Hannibal

 Inside the Gateway Arch. It is 600 ft tall and we rode inside a tiny little elevator for 3 mins.
 The only blondes of the family:)


  1. Cute pictures! You are so cute preggo cass.. you should be a pregnant lady all the time haha. But that probably was a really neat experience for you guys. Btw what was the flowers by the grave for?

  2. Yay you posted! I loved seeing those pics and remembering how great Nauvoo is. I also like how daniel has his hand on the baby/belly in almost all the pics.

  3. Loving how dan is almost always touching your little belly. And I can't wait to get my own copy of the RS book. And... I maybe asking for you to email me some of these Nauvoo pictures.
    ps- what is dan doing outside the FRBank sign? He looks deep in thought.... lol
    .... or mad. :)

  4. Ahh I'm so so jealous. I can't wait to go again. Great pictures. It's so beautiful and yes the hand on the tummy is so funny! And yes you do look like tropical skittles.Ha!

  5. Looks like you guys had a blast. Loved looking at all the pictures. I'm jealous you got to go there.
