Sunday, March 4, 2012

Discipline vs Regret

Almost every morning I get up and drop Daniel off at school and then afterwards Calvin and I go running around in circles on the indoor track at BYU. (now I wish I would have gotten a running stroller instead)
On Friday as I finished up my run I stopped to stretch in the track/hallway area right after the courts and pinned to a locker door was a quote that I absolutely loved and is the main reason why I am even posting right now.

"We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs Tons."
-John Rohn

This applies very well to athletes because of the physical and even mental pain they put themselves through. If they don't discipline themselves by giving all they've got, then they will come out short in the end and the pain of regret will fill their entire soul.
 I also think it applies to each one of us as well.
It caused me to reflect on my life and how I have disciplined myself and when I have not, and I'm not only talking about punishment, but instead how I control my thoughts, actions, words, and how much effort I am willing to put in accomplishing my goals and dreams. The pain of regret does indeed weigh much heavier on the whole body, so why can't we choose the lesser pain that will help enable success and happiness? And as we become more disciplined, we will be able to endure much more  which will help generate and create accomplishments and knowing that we can and will conquer the unimaginable.
I hope this causes you to pause and reflect on your own life, what will you do to make your life a little more disciplined so there won't be regrets weighing you down.

 And of course my bundle of joy... I can't post without posting about my Calvin.
still rocking the newborn shirt but sadly it's time to say goodbye.


  1. Those are the cutest pictures. Great job. He is such a beautiful baby. And thanks for sharing that quote. I really like it a lot and I'm going to have to put it on my mirror to remind me to discipline myself more and not have regrets - so true they weigh you down a ton.

  2. That really is a great quote! And way to be running too! Really, that is a newborn shirt! He is so cute

  3. Thanks for sharing this Cassidy! It was really inspiring. We loved having Daniel visit with us for a bit.

  4. Good quote, and I liked your thoughts on it. I need a shirt like that, what a little studly man.
