Over the Past few months I've really come to love being a mom. With Daniel working long hours 6-7 days a week I have had a lot of Calvin and me time. At first I hated dan being gone so much, ( I still do) but I have come to accept it and try to stay positive and enjoy all the one and one time I have with my baby. I have also grasped the importance of teaching in the home. Teaching incorporates all aspects of life and through teaching we also show by example how to live and act. Teaching allows us to draw near to the ones we love and care for. Everyday I try to think of ways I can teach Calvin that day. Sometimes I think too much about all that I could and want to do to teach him and then I realize I wasted an hour or more. Or I let myself get caught in the List Trap... I have so many things on my list to do that I forget that one of the most important things on that list is Calvin. I was reading somewhere that babies learn so much by watching. this hit me pretty hard as i thought what am I doing that I would not want Calvin or my future children to do. We need to live our lives the way we want our Children to Live! If you are like me I want to do so many things to teach Calvin but just don't know where to start or feel like he's not grasping anything I'm teaching him. But I know he is I just have to be patient and continue to teach. Also there are so many resources out there for ideas and ways to strengthen the home and the best of course is LDS.ORG. For awhile now I have been listening to the Mormon Channel while I work out in the mornings. It's by far my favorite APP. I listen to Gospel Solutions for Families and it's Amazing. I have learned so much on what I can do better within our home and family and as a wife, mother, daughter, and sister. They talk about everyday struggles and give examples of what they do but I am always inspired on what I can do better etc. I urge you to take the time to listen to it. They talk about handling your children at church, FHE, there's a marriage episode, teenagers, mother daughter. It goes on. I know it will help in ways you had no idea. It has helped me be more appreciative of my own parents, especially my mother who I am so grateful to. Thank you for never lowering your standards and always doing what the Prophet counsels.
Here are some pictures of my darling Calvin. I love him so much. Mom you were right again about how much I will love my own children and that he is my world.
Going outside is our favorite thing to do during the day. We either go to the park, backyard, walk around neighborhood, or all in one day and there are a ton of teaching opportunities.
He loves getting the mail. He asks for the keys everyday and then off we go in his little red wagon to get the mail. He opens it up almost all by himself.
Calvin is such a sweetie and gives kisses frequently throughout the day
Waiting for the Cookies to be done.. cant wait any longer
My GARDEN. I love growing a garden. I love Houston weather that allows for a garden year round. There is something about harvesting your own vegetables that just makes my heart and belly sing. All these were planted by seed except for the brussell sprouts and tomatoes
Brussel Sprouts |
Carrots |
My little helper
Broccoli |
Cauliflower |
We are also growing, peas, beans, beets, spinach and lettuce and the smaller box has all my herbs that Makana planted for us that are on steroids are something.. they are huge, I want to dehydrate them.
Happy Weekend.