Funny story of the week. Last week Calvin and I went to visit daniel at work for Lunch. We had our lunch journey at the cafe in the building where he labors all day and night (no sarcasm there). We ventured upstairs to his office to meet some of his other co-workers, partners, see his working space and of course show off Calvin. They were all very friendly which gives me peace knowing he's in good company and being treated good. They loved Calvin... who couldn't right? and spoiled him with treats. As we were walking around to different offices to say hello Calvin saw an escape route-- doors. But little to his dismay these doors were glass and along side the door is a full panel glass window. You catching my drift... He ran straight into the door with such force it knocked him down right onto his rear end. It was Just like the windex commercials you see with the birds flying into the window. I have always wanted to see that happen in real life but never did I think I'd be watching my own kin, my son, do it. Oh it was hilarious, both Daniel and I could not stop laughing. Calvin of course was crying so I tried to contain myself but just couldn't help it. I so wish I had it on camera. Darn.
I love babies and children because how much they laugh. They find the smallest things to laugh at and we as grown ups could all do what the scriptures say and become as a little child in this regards of laughing more. I can't tell you how much better one feels when you let yourself laugh when things don't go the way you wanted or expected. The talk Elder Wirthlin gave "Come what May and Loveth" is one of my favorites and is a MUST read and a good reminder for us to laugh and enjoy life more.
Today I challenge you to laugh more: watch something funny, read a joke, etc.
It's the cure to everything.
If something funny happens to you please send them my way so I can laugh. For I do enjoy laughing very much.
On another happier note I finally started painting again. HOORAY! I used my Christmas gift (easel) and absolutely loved it. I can't tell you how therapuetic painting is. The smell, the strokes of the brushes, sound of paint oozing out was all very much missed. Anyway I painted this for a Relief Society service/talent Exchange Activity we had a couple weeks ago. I thought hmm what should I do.. Everyone is going to bake something and that's what I ususally do (which suprisingly only a few did) maybe I should try using a talent that i'm actually good at. ha. So I whipped this out pretty quickly because for some reason that week was crazy busy. I even brought it wet. oops. I was tempted to put my name in for it so I could win it. haha. but I didn't.
Next I finally refinished this Dresser. It had been needing work since we got it from my dear sister-in-law. Daniel told me that we are only taking it if I refinish it.. so I did.. only a a year later.
It was just plain white before but the paint looked awful and there huge chip marks, marker stains, you know stuff on it that gets there from having children.
I want to put it in Calvin's room so I thought it'd be fun to add a hint of color to the drawers. I didn't even go buy bucket of paint. I just used acrylic paint from any craft store and watered it down with water. The only bad thing is my finish stained it more of a yellowy color instead of being clear. I wanted it to be pure white. Oh well. I still like it.
These things bring me such Joy.