So I realized I never posted about our Utah Trip in October. I lately have been out of sorts with technology. I have been trying to balance my life more and that being more away from technology since i seem to get wrapped in too much and too quickly. So sorry for the lack of responding to emails, making blog posts etc but i felt it was necessary for me to do as I am trying to find a better balance.
Our Utah trip was blissful. The reason for the trip was to see my mother-in-law speak in the General Relief Society Meeting and General Conference held by the LDS church. I went a week earlier than Daniel did and loved every minute of being with my family, I did miss Daniel lots; its always hard to be away from him for so long. Calvin loved being with both his grandmas and grandpas and playing with his aunts and uncles, and cousins. This time he wasn't scared of everyone and would actually go play with them. Our home has a few spots where the imagination of child goes wild. One is the tunnel that Calvin especially liked. I think his favorite thing was opening and closing the door saying hello.
General Conference was truly amazing. I learned so much and i know its important for us to continue to read and study each talk to receive more revelation for ourselves in what we can do to become more like our Savior. As we all strive to study what our Dear Prophet Thomas S. Monson, his apostles, and other leaders of the church say we will be who the Lord intends us to be.
Other highlights of the trip were seeing my sister-in-law being sealed to her new husband.
Touring V-Chocolates with family
Calvin Playing with the chickens
Going on hike with Kels and Tan- I love love the mountains and of course those two
Going on a train ride with Grandma S
Visiting Gardner Village with Grandma H
Going on walks
Visiting old friends
Pumpkin Patch
Since I am blogging I guess I'll talk about our Thanksgiving..
We went to our cousin Tina's house in Fort Worth. We met J/D. and fam there. We loved being there and the Knudsons were so good to us. I enjoyed so much being able to get to know Tina's family better. We ate like queens and kings the food was amazing. I even attempted and succeeded for the first time in making cranberry sauce and rolls.
Calvin received the best present ever from them and not only got to see real trains got to go on them. He hasn't stopped talking about it yet.
It was hard to say goodbye and 4.5 hours later when we arrived home Calvin started crying saying i wanna be with cousins, cousins, no home. We are happy that we at least get to see J&M soon enough again. Can't wait for Christmas.