Creativity! Oh how I've missed you in my life for the past few years.
that I am a graduated Lady, my long list of projects I have been
wanting to do around the house is finally getting started. I have had
all these ideas, but when I had school it was merely impossible to get
any them started or completed. BUT.. now that I'm a stay-at-home
My creative juices are beginning to emerge once again. Hoorah.
first project I gave as a Stocking gift to Daniel this past Christmas.
It's a date Jar filled with dates to do throughout the year. I haven't
finished but I am going to color coordinate the paper with summer and
winter dates. I found some creative date ideas from Dating Divas, my dear sister-in-law Makana, and even came up with a few on my own.
Some date ideas are
1. Have each person design and make a boat out of things around the house. Then, take them to a river/stream and race them.
2. Walk to a local bakery or cupcake shop. There is something about walking to a bakery with someone you care about…maybe because I am obsessed with food? If you do not live next to a bakery then surprise your sweetheart by parking a few blocks away and packing a back pack with a blanket, games, fun drinks... If you go to a cupcake shop make sure you get a few varieties and share them.
3. Thrifty Trends Date Idea- Live it up! Buy a new game, movie, book, or sporting equipment that you could use on your date all for under $10. Visit a local thrift store (yes, they may stink) and pick up some new activities. We have done this a few times and continue to benefit from our cheap purchases. It is a great way to save money and Live it up! :)
4. Living Room Camp-Out- Get anything you have that makes you feel like your camping out and set it up in your living room (i.e. camping chairs, turn off the lights and use flashlights, blanket…). Make tin foil dinners in your oven for the dinner. Search the internet for unique tin foil dinner recipes.
This project I did before Calvin was born, but I never finished it until a few days ago. As most of you all know, one of Daniel's most favorite thing in the whole world is golfing, well besides Me and Calvin, of course. SO... I came up with this grand idea to assemble a Golf themed room for Mister Calvin. I had some ugly maroonish brown colored frames that I painted blue.. however, the blue was way too bright and tacky looking, so I painted them an off white color and sanded it down for the blue to bleed through. Before I painted the frames, I hot glued golf balls inside the frames and spelled Calvin's name on the golf balls... and Voila
That pig in the background was given to Calvin by Grandpa and Grandma Kunze.