Friday October 21, 2011 I was blessed to have my darling little Calvin come to the Earth. It was unexpected for he wasn't due until November 1 and I wasn't having any complications, but I am so happy he is here and I didn't have to wait any longer to have him.
I can't explain how wonderful a feeling I have felt since he has been in our arms. I have been quite emotional and there has been countless times when I have been sitting staring at him and I can't help but get all teary eyed because of how much love I have for this sweet little angel. I also can't thank my Heavenly Father enough for blessing me with such a beautiful healthy boy.
I seriously am the happiest Mom ever!!
He has such a strong spirit and when we came home from the hospital Daniel mentioned how there was such a strong and sweet spirit in our home now. He kept whispering to me and then said "why am I whispering, ha ha well because it's like the Temple you don't want to talk loudly in such a Spiritual place."
This was in our room at the hospital and I absolutely love it.
It rings clear as a bell of truthfulness.
So the story if you haven't heard is this. . .
We went for our normal checkup that morning at 9:00 a.m. and when my Doctor checked me I was dilated to a 4 and when she measured his heart rate it was in the 110-115 and I was also measuring at 36 weeks when I was 38 weeks. A couple weeks ago we had the same problem so she sent us to Labor and Delivery to get a Non-Stress Test. When we went a couple weeks ago everything was fine. So when she told us to go again she was like make sure to bring a bag of supplies just in case. I kept telling Daniel on our way to the hospital that I was not ready to have him and I just could not have him today. Since nothing was wrong 2 weeks ago I didn't think anything would be wrong this time. Both Dan and I never had a calm feeling the entire time we were there so deep down we knew we were going to deliver that day.
They measured his heart rate for 25 minutes and also measure the amniotic fluid. The nurse measured 5.8 which is borderline low and to double check it was accurate she got a specialist to come measure but she measured at 5.4 meaning way too low and that at this point its better for him to be out than in.
After measuring they left. um Hello.. we are still here wanting to know what's going on!!!
The nurse came back in and told us well you guys can thank me your going to have a baby TODAY!
I started getting teary eyed because I was nervous and because my Mother would not be there with me. I couldn't believe it. I still felt like anytime they'd be like HA just kidding you can go home.
Nope. We are having a baby today. A funny thing was I had planned a Halloween Party that night for all my friends and told them I wanted to do a week early in case I would deliver the following week. Ha Guess Calvin didn't want to miss out on the Party.
They induced me and I received an epidural after feeling only a few bad contractions.
My doctor told me I had bragging rights for a first time mom because I was only in labor for about 5-6 hours and only pushed for 14 minutes!
Calvin R Stephens was born at 7:13 p.m. weighing 6.5 lbs and 18 inches long.
What a miracle that came into our life that night!!
Here we are patiently awaiting the arrival of our boy
Getting ready to Deliver! So excited.
The first look at seeing my baby Calvin! I was crying when he came out but this look sure doesn't show that!
We are such happy and proud Parents
Calvin with his Grandma Stephens still sad that Grandma Hansen and Grandpa Hansen couldn't be there.
Daddy holding his baby for the first time
Ready to get a bath!
Parting the gorgeous Black Hair already!
He sure loves his hands by his face or in his mouth for this matter
The next pictures we are ready to get out of the Hospital!! Even though we were treated with such kindness and care we ready to be in our own home again!
Mom sisters and little cousins! Can't believe how big Daxton looks compared to Calvin
Lexi, Parks, Kels, and Dan's Parents came to visit! Sorry I didn't capture a pic of the others.
Lexi or should I say Hobbes came running in couldn't wait to see her little nephew or best buddy Calvin
Look at those Handsome BOYS!! They are going to be the best of friends!
Already knows how to say prayers
Loving his puppy dogs snuggled up close to him
Our Grandpa Stephens made this gorgeous craddle for Calvin. He has amazing talent and we love it so much.