Every year Daniel and his family go camping up in the Uintah Mountains. Now our family hasn't ever been the camping type, the last time I remember going camping with the family was at our family reunion at Palisade lake when our tent flew into the lake and grandma and grandpa were trying to grab it as we were clear across the other side of the lake watching the entire thing. I've always loved camping and embraced the times I got to go camping either with friends or with girls camp. Daniel and I could not wait till we could go, we were counting down the days, and being in school we couldn't wait to get a break from all the stress. The weekend before we bought me my very own fishing pole:) The drive isn't too bad but once you get up in the mountains it's pretty bumpy, but for some reason when we crossed over into wyoming the roads were nice and paved, so we knew when we were in Utah as we were bouncing all over the place. The place his dad and his grandpa picked out is very secluded covered with trees that stretch out to the sky for miles. There is plenty of space to put up our tents and there is a river that runs right behind our campground. It is beautiful up there. We got there around 9 pm and the moment I stepped outside I was covered with mosquito bites. We were in our tent setting up our stuff and i kept telling daniel i got a mosquito bit on my nose and i think it's swelling up. Since it was dark he couldn't really tell and so he got our flashlight and held close to my nose to check it out. He said he coouldn't tell, but I swear it was inflamming. We had a little outhouse and they even have a camping chair toilet, the bad thing is if you're there for a long time, your little hieny will be covered with little red bites everywhere. Which happened to me. :( We went up to a lake and fished the entire day. I caught about 8 fish... it was my first time ever real fishing and I was smoking everyone even Daniel. He wasn't too happy about that and kept telling me it's because he taught me everything. right!;)

My first fish I caught.. I was pretty excited.

I hated taking out the hook, it was always so gross because sometimes the fish would start to bleed and it'd get on me. plus the fish was always so slimy so it would wiggle all over the place.
Playing some horseshoes, Kristies threw it straight up in the air and I was running for my life because it was heading straight for my head and she ringed my ankle instead. It was a brutal hit and I got a nasty bruise from it. Let's just say we are getting plastic horseshoes for her for next year!

This is Kate, and she loves dirt! I was watching her sit on the ground and pick handfuls and handfuls of dirt and pouring it on top of her head.
My first trip with the in-laws was a success with lots of fun and laughter.